Привет ! Как дила ? Я в порядке, и вы ? Я французски и я учусь русски Я не понимаю по-русски I use google translate to make cyrillic characters but I have learned most of them. I can read cyrillic very slowly. I have to learn russian because I work with a russian speaking company. Please Russia, am I doing it right ?
>>3552 >Как дила ? >французски ... русски >use google translate Tell me more.
No. I type russian in latin characters in google translate which turn it into cyrillic characters. "Phonetic writing", you see ?
>>3554 Wrote >Привет ! Как дила ? Я в порядке, и вы ? "in latin characters" for google translate pls.
>>3552 >Я французски But why do you have Estonian flag than?
>>3556 >Privyet ! Kak dela (dila ?) ? Ya v poriadke y vi ? >>3557 Because I am in estonia (russian-speaking estonian company). Je suis français, j'habite dans l'ouest de la France et j'ai pris l'avion pour la première fois de ma vie pour partir en Estonie. Et à part ça j'apprends le russe.
Okay... What is your profession?
Whom will you vote for in french election?
>>3552 Not perfect, but quite well IMHO.
>>3559 I am student. >>3560 I won't vote tomorrow. If I could then Hollande because I don't trust Sarkozy, he is a shameless liar. >>3561 Thank you ! I learn new words every day and I have the opportunity to practice. Please, if there are important points to know about the language (in the construction or I don't know) let me know.
>>3562 >I am student. Specialty? >If I could Why are you couldn't? >Sarkozy In the first round too? >I have the opportunity to practice. Then write something on Russian, lol. >important points Well... >Я в порядке, и вы ? >и Let's see. >Я в порядке "I'm okay" >и "And" >вы "You" I this phrase should be used сonjunction "а". Because we asked this question like sort of "I'm fine, how about you?" but your question more like "I'm fine, are your mood like my?". Sounds a bit unnatural. >Я французски "французский" (French) i guess? We used it for things. But you are human, so you are "француз" (Frenchman). >учусь русски "учу русский" >учусь This is more about crafts, or studying generally (in school, in university). When you are studying language, or math, or phisycs It's "учу (изучаю) язык", "учу (изучаю) математику", "учу (изучаю) физику"
>Specialty? Commerce. >Why are you couldn't? Because you need to be in your city to vote, or at least to declare at the police you're giving someone the possibility to vote for you, but I didn't did it, Hollande should have won anyway. >In the first round too? I voted for Bayrou at the first round, he is the centrist guy (and finished 5th so pretty much a useless vote). It's now a week that I am learning russian and I can express simple things with the word I know. I hear russian all day long and I work with native speakers so I have pretty much the opportunity to practice. However, I still have a lot of work before being able to talk with someone. Also, I think that, surprisingly, russian accent is somehow close to french accent. A luck for me because I am very happy to understand what people says me in english (and also, I can sometimes pick words in russian, and then look for the meaning).
>>3611 >Because you need to be in your city to vote Wow. Here you can vote in others cities/countries. >However, I still have a lot of work before being able to talk with someone http://vocaroo.com/ Said something. It will be fun. >russian accent is somehow close to french accent Interesting. btw where are you living in France?
>>3615 http://vocaroo.com/i/s003Pj1N7Ssy Please wait a few weeks before expecting me to say something developped.. I am from the west of France, near Nantes.
>>3645 >s003Pj1N7Ssy >Привет, я Французский и я (i don't get 1 word) Русский lol. Not bad actually. And yes, you are "Француз". "Французский" it's language. Is this estonian company working in France?
>>3646 The missing word is изучаю. This company don't work in France currently, that's why I am here, to help them make business in France.
>>3647 >изучаю >ч Lol, you pronouced it like "st", but it's more like "tsh". Like in http://translate.google.com/?q=%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%8B%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5&oe=utf-8&rls=en.yandex:en:official&client=firefox&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&sa=N&tab=wT#en|ru|%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%8E