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No. 4117  
I was wondering if you had any good resources for trying to learn a bit of Russian? I would be a beginner, though I've learned Spanish in school so I think that might be of help (not vocabulary, but in how to learn languages in general) Any recommendations?
No. 4118  
>Learn Russian
Why would you need that?
No. 4119  
> if you had any good resources for trying to learn a bit of Russian?
Nope. We are native speakers, so...
No. 4120  
220px-Andrei_Rublev_Poster.jpg - (20.64KB, 220×331)
I’d suggest you to watch more russian films, but then I discovered there is no appropriate ones. Watch “Andrei Rublev” or… whatever.
No. 4121  
>then I discovered there is no appropriate ones
Then foreign that was translated!
No. 4124  
сурово.png - (15.28KB, 186×192)
No. 4136  
me 2, i love russian girls
No. 4152  
>>4136 we dont like u.

russian girls
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