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Файл: 131095125821.jpg-(648.20KB, 1864x1515, Boletus frogulus.jpg)
4779 No. 4779 watch    
Hello, I was reading this book
"Mushrooms, Russia and History" by Valentina Pavlovna Wasson
and she mentions how wonderful pickled ryzhiki (milk caps) and Belyi grib are and I haven't been able to find a reliable English language reference for how to pickle these mushrooms in the best Russian fashion. A fellow on another board suggested that /cu/ might be the best place to ask.
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>> No. 4780    
Здравствуйте, я читал эту книгу
"Грибы, Россия и история» Валентиной Павловной Уоссон
и она упоминает, как замечательны маринованные рыжики(молочные шляпки) и Белые Грибы, и я не смог найти надежный англоязычный справочник для того, чтобы узнать , как мариновать эти грибы в лучших русских традициях. Парень на другой борде предположил, что /кулинач/ может быть лучшее место, чтобы спросить.
>> No. 4781    
>> No. 4783    
1. You should cut up mushrooms on a big parts.

2. Next, put them into the pot, cover mushrooms with water and put the pot on the stove with a little fire.

3. Bring water to boil, and stir mushrooms slowly for 3 minutes, continuing boiling water.

4. Put mushrooms into colander and wait till they get cold.

5. Lay them closely in the pot, where they would be pickled. Next, sprinkle them with salt and cover with spices (garlic, black pepper, dill, cloves, blackcurrant leaves).

6. Cover mushrooms with a plate and put on the plate some pressure (for exmpl. plastic bottle with water).

7. Place it away from the sun.

8. Check you mushrooms in two days - they should give juice which should cover them. If juice amount is not enough, add some water to the pot, or add some weight to the pressure.

9. Wait for nearly two weeks...


Advice: It would be nice to chose as a pot an enamel saucepan, a glass pot or a wooden barrel. Anyway, never chose aluminum or copper ones.
>> No. 4786    
Thank you very much, is that recipe for Рыжик настоящий and it's family or for Белый гриб?

Thank you also very much

I don't know if you all realize it or how it's common knowledge, but Russians tend it be uniquely skilled and knowledgeable in the world of mushrooms. Here in America almost nobody knows how to collect mushrooms or even recognize them other than the ones in the grocery store. Of the few people that do a lot are Russian immigrants. This being the case, I have such trouble acquiring good information and recipes. Thank you again for helping me.
>> No. 4787    
pickled - salted or marinated?
dnt speak nglsh
>> No. 4789    
Файл: 131111735960.jpg-(181.49KB, 834x787, hedgehog.jpg)
Either or both.
I should have been more specific, but I didn't know the difference until just now.
>> No. 4792    
I never had an opportunity to try this out, but in theory salted ryzhiki should be like this:

1). Put the mushrooms in salty water (cold or room temperature) for several hours (5-7 hours). /optional step designed to ensure that if there were any bugs/worms in the mushrooms they will come out.
2). Wash the mashrooms from the salty water.
some people tend to skip the first two steps to keep the mashrooms dry, as they claim that the water have negative effects on the process/result =
3). Arrange the mashrooms in the pot where they will be salted in layers and sprinkle every layer with salt and spices (50g salt 1kg mashrooms average)
some people claim that salted ryzhiki are better without any spices or it's better to add the spices after the ryzhiki are ready.
4). Apply some pressure on the mushrooms (some grid/bottle with water construction), so they won't float when the juice will come out, and put them in a cool place.
5). Time before the mashrooms are ready depends on surrounding temperature and varies from 14 to 45 days.

good luck!
>> No. 4793    

That recipe (4783) both for рыжик and белый гриб. The only difference is that you should wait till белый гриб is pickled not 15 days, but 30-45
>> No. 4794    
Файл: 131119429219.jpg-(26.45KB, 432x289, eva.jpg)
Once again thank you to both of you.
About the book in OP, the husband of the author was the first westerner to discover the power of Псилоцибин in mushrooms. This is a photo of him in 1955 on the fateful moment of his first encounter with Mexican magic. Because of his fame and the small print run of his wife's book, a hard copy of the book now costs 71,000рубль.
I wonder how much the PDF is worth?

Here is a link to the article the Mr. Wasson wrote after his first experience with Псилоцибин
>> No. 4796    


I think its worth tend to a zero).
This book is priced so great due to its rarity, but the same is wrong for the PDF.

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