Can you fuck off from my Ukraine, you bloody Mongols?
>>4633 >Saging an uppermost thread So typical for Pro-Russian Ukrainians.
>>4634 Sage is emotional aspect, silly.
>>4635 actually no sage is used for not ageru-ing the thread and thats it there was some good stuff on northpole like "love" and "rage" checkboxes, but northpole is down :(
>>4636 I would sage this thread even if this board didn't had sage function. Just that you knew how I feel about it. It's not about moving thread up or down, it's about sending a message.
>>4637 >it's about sending a message i kinda understand what sort of message it is
>>4638 >2014 >butthurt argument Ok, now I know about this board everything I need to know about it. Wasn't a pleasure to talk with you. Checking this board was a mistake and a waste of time.
>>4639 >argument can you point out for me what exactly i was arguing? xD protip: you can't point still stands: using sage as emotional thing is misusing and kodomoppoi >Checking this board was a mistake and a waste of time bye bye
>>4640 >can you point out for me what exactly i was arguing? That was irony, retard. >using sage as emotional thing is misusing and kodomoppoi WTF am i reading?
>>4641 relax m8 just relax easy
>>4632 >>Could you name me a similar aggressive act from interim govt that made Donbass rise? >Maidan? Don't be absurd. Maidan for Donbass = change of Yanuk's mind about association treaty. Causes butthurt, but not revolt. Berkut beating the crap out of people in November = ?
>>4643 >Berkut beating the crap out of people in November This is not an excuse.
>>4643 >Maidan for Donbass = change of Yanuk's mind about association treaty. "Maidan" it's coup d'etat by angry mob.
>>4644 >>4645 Looks like you didn't get the message, guys. I wasn't trying to find excuses for any side, I was drawing parallels. My message is that the Maidan-Donbass happenings analogy is lame, because in Donetsk there were not any event that was the last straw. They are either extreme slowpokes or just believed in fairy tales that our beloved television told them. I mean, it's like a phase transition from protests to armed insurgency. There always should be some continuous heat flow from outside, sawy?
>>4646 >because in Donetsk there were not any event that was the last straw So coup d'etat with dozens dead police members and hundred injured. All this retards "Sashko Bily" style. And etc - it's all not enough for you, right? >a phase transition from protests to armed insurgency Coup d'etat -> Protests -> "New government" ignoring protests + Arrests leaders of protests -> More Protests -> Odessa happening -> Armed protesters -> Army was send to the east -> First shots -> More shots -> Artillery, tanks, aviation, etc.
>>4647 Devil in details, you see. >>dozens dead police members > >13 killed and that includes anti-maidan civilians vs. 100 killed insurgents And yes, there were some protests in Donbass but they calmed down in a week or two. >Sashko Biliy He was killed on 24 March. Also, Ukrainian Home Office began pressing the whole Right sector. And he was more like a marauder posing as a revolutionary and a scarecrow for Russian audience. Your timeline is very inaccurate. Happenings began in Donbass on like 5-10 April, before Odessa, and that's why those hooligans overreacted seeing someone allegedly trying to bring happenings there (which doesn't justify the arsonists, ofc), not the other way round. Once again: I think that those people on Maidan died almost for nothing. But OK, that happened and the atmosphere chilled down a bit, the new govt called for elections (which very fact making the "junta" nickname absurd), and started to make more or less retarded laws just like the former one. They went on with all that HURR DURR UKRAINE STRONG rhetorics but in fact got rid of odious "revolutionaries". Well, a shitty situation, but no worse than before. Why can't those protesters make something more constructive than squatting buildings with some scum like Gubarev for leader?
>>4648 Also, even that thread started before Odessa.
>>4648 >13 killed and that includes anti-maidan civilians vs. 100 killed insurgents ... >МВС України повідомляє, що кількість загиблих співробітників правоохоронних органів під час сутичок у Києві збільшилася до 16 осіб. >"130 працівників органів внутрішніх справ доставлено в медзаклади з вогнепальними пораненнями. Всього ж з 18 лютого за медичною допомогою звернулися 565 працівників органів внутрішніх справ, з них 410 - госпіталізовані >And yes, there were some protests in Donbass but they calmed down in a week or two. Rly? And dozens other video and news. >>4648 >Happenings began What do you call exactly "happenings"? 2 dead people in Kharkov 15 march - it's not "happenings", right? >Why can't those protesters make something more constructive than squatting buildings with some scum like Gubarev for leader? Because they are angry mob, that's why. Like "Maidan revolutionaries" was another angry mob. There is no much common sense in both mobs. Just emotions.
>>4404 Donbas occupants are not proper citizens. They don't want to learn language and were moved there from Russia by Russian government, when original Ukrainians were genocided or displaced. It is as if Germany invaded Novgorod, genocided its population and replaced repopulated with Germans.
>>4678Tell me moar.
>>4683 In a few years, I hope to see such posters on the territory of former Russia, so I'll have a chance to report you to my local NATO MP.
>>4684> I hope to see such posters on the territory of former RussiaЯ гарантирую что на то же самое будут надеяться твои дети, внуки, правнуки (если, конечно, у тебя есть девушка). Надежда ведь умирает последней.Держи саундтрек к своим надеждам.
>>4687 The fact I want Russia dead is already a huge progress, because my parents are patriots and grandfather was a hero of USSR. I.e. the families of diehard patriots produce children that despise Russia and will happily kill other patriots. This show that Putin's propaganda doesn't work. If you don't belive me, here is my grandpa,_%D0%93%D0%B5%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87 he explained nicely how he got his hero star. Basically a lot of licking and sucking. I'm ashamed of him.
>>4678 >moved there from Russia by Russian government, Дык Донбасс и был Россией всегда. С какого перепугу не населённое пространство Украина считает "исторически своим" - загадка. При том что сами "украинцы" там появились только в результате иммиграции из Польши, лол. >when original Ukrainians were genocided or displaced Но от этого не осталось никаких документов. От всех "геноцидов" и "переселений" - остались. А тут - нет. Мистика прямо. Жидомоскальский заговор, не иначе. >>4692 Что несёт - вообще офигеть.
>>4694 >Дык Донбасс и был Россией всегда. Nope. Donbass was Ukrainian. The Russians there are the result of repopulation of territory by Tzar and commies. Similar to Russians in Chechnya, Lithuania Latvia and Estonia. I wonder when Baltids begin cleaning their territory from the useless ever-drunken occupants >Но от этого не осталось никаких документов. От всех "геноцидов" и "переселений" - остались. А тут - нет. Мистика прямо. Жидомоскальский заговор, не иначе.
>>4695 >Donbass was Ukrainian. И сколько же там жило этих самых "Ukrainian" под управлением крымского хана? > Крайне увлекательно. Такие то архивные документы.
>>4697 >под управлением крымского хана? >Donbass >Крайне увлекательно. Такие то архивные документы. Yeah-yeah. Wikipedia citations are soulless, judeomasonic and unorthodox. We know already.
>>4698 Зачем кидать мне некую языковую статистику?
>>4702 Yes. And other part of Ukraine was occupied by Poland. So what?
>>4704 >>4697 >И сколько же там жило этих самых "Ukrainian" под управлением крымского хана?
>>4706 >И сколько же там жило этих самых "Ukrainian" под управлением польского пана?
>>4707 Под конец 18-го века на территории киевского воеводства проживала порядка 500тыс. человек. Но это и поляки, и украинцы, и русские. Для более точных раскладов надо в польских архивах рыться, а это раздражает. Ответ хоть какой-нибудь на мой вопрос будет?
>>4708 >проживало
>>4708 Я тебе напомню, что Россия впервые аннексировала Крым, напав тогда на Турцию, защищая там украинцев, которые вдруг стали русскими:
>>4710 >Россия впервые аннексировала Крым, напав тогда на Турцию, защищая там украинцев Эмм... Мы с ними вели боевые действия постоянно с момента кончины золотой орды. Они набеги аж до Москвы устраивали. При чём здесь Украина - загадка. >которые вдруг стали русскими А когда их не считали русскими?
>>4715 >А когда их не считали русскими? Never. Ukrainians never spoke Russian, have different ethnic traditions and genetic makeup.
>>4716 > Ukrainians never spoke Russian Офигительные истории. А вот господин Хмельницкий называл свой народь русью, церковь свою русской, ну и правителя просил из своих избирать. Ну из русских. Зрада ли это?
>>4717 На каком языке он призывает?
>>4718 Ну это письмо польскому королю, от его подданного, так что прозреваю - на польском. В любом случае это перевод, как ты видишь. Ну и разговорные языки приблизились к тому, что писали только к концу 18 в. Письма его есть на западнорусском диалекте, на русском и на польском, вроде. К крымскому хану не знаю на каком языке были. Но не удивлюсь, если на татарском.
>>4721 >разговорные языки приблизились к тому, что писали только к концу 18 в. Письма его есть на западнорусском диалекте, на русском и на польском, вроде. Keep inventing history.
>>4722 Значит по существу сказать нечего. Ок.
>>4723 Значит по существу сказать нечего. Ок.
Checkmate, banderafags. Inb4 "omg russian schoolbooks" butthurt
>bloody Mongols
>bloody Mongols >to have ancestors from the army of the glorious Genghis Khan As though it's something bad.
Да здравствует свободный Курбыкистан!
The sheer stupidity of most of these Russian posts is laughable. No one outside of Russia is stupid enough to think that Ukraine is having an 'internal conflict' or 'civil war.'
>>5308 Why are you reviving a two-and-a-half years old thread? Are you a necrophile?
>>5309 He wants to restart hohlosrach on the dead board. Of course he is a necrophile.
>>5308 > no 'internal conflict' or 'civil war.' except there is or was >_> i stopped caring somewhere around the end of 2014 > proofs ? just go there and see for yourself lol > but these are putin warriors or whatever at least some of them do it for free crazy shit
>>4403 Я? Монголоидом быть? Что такое "caucausus" знаешь, да же?